Second Lieutenant
Sargeant First Class
33yr old Norwegian bloke. Got some years in the Norwegian Armed Forces. Farther of one, brother of six.
He first joined the Arma universe back in the days with "Arma2: Operation Arrowhead", to play "DayZ" mod. Later he merged with the community when Arma3 came out, (got 6-7000) hours in that game. He sold he´s PC along with the old account when he´s son was borned, but came back with a new rig when he became single!
Love shooters and military games (EFT, GreyZone, ARMA, Squad, etc).
My earliest memory is that of spying on my father from my tree house in the woods. I've always been obsessed with the idea of a non criminal way lol.
From about 11 years old I began training for the Army. Living at the top of the pennines made it easy to learn navigation, to get lost and find yourself again and again, you could travel miles with Northumberland on one side and Cumbria on the other. I always wanted to be a forward observation element in the Army even from a young age.
Private Second Class
i first started playing arma with operation flashpoint, i have 10k plus hours in arma 2 and around 3k hours in arma 3, but my first love in racing games, i have a sim racing set up that took priority over this one so i no longer had a setup to play arma type games. untill recently when i decided to build a second setup and i picked up reforger.